I want to share great information with you that I love you. Oh! I don’t
write a story here which was said by someone to someone. But this
message is for you. You, who are reading this blog, have I told you yet
today how much I love you? Wait a minute! May be you think that you
haven’t any requirement of my love or that I am not which, you think,
the right person to love you. But I am not demoralized by this and am
going on to love you. Now may be you think that why am I loving you.
This is right question to ask. And the reason is most important lesson
which I learned ever.
Do you want to know why I love you? Then listen, I love you because
You are God
May be you believe it or not but you have all abilities which are required to become a God.
You appeared in this world at a certain time and generated your material body
by taking water, fat, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and proteins and
by arrange them in a certain genetic order. You design your personality
by choosing ideas from your relatives, friends, teachers, neighbors
You operated your life with your thought which is liberated by any other’s thought.
When you feel that your life has nothing to gain then you will destroy it.
So by Generate, Operate and Destroy your world you became your GOD.
Do you feel like God then share this message with your friends, relatives, neighbors and all those persons whom you love most.